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// This file is part of // and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems" // by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press. // File name: projects/05/Memory.hdl /** * The complete address space of the Hack computer's memory, * including RAM and memory-mapped I/O. * The chip facilitates read and write operations, as follows: * Read: out(t) = Memory[address(t)](t) * Write: if load(t-1) then Memory[address(t-1)](t) = in(t-1) * In words: the chip always outputs the value stored at the memory * location specified by address. If load==1, the in value is loaded * into the memory location specified by address. This value becomes * available through the out output from the next time step onward. * Address space rules: * Only the upper 16K+8K+1 words of the Memory chip are used. * Access to address>0x6000 is invalid. Access to any address in * the range 0x4000-0x5FFF results in accessing the screen memory * map. Access to address 0x6000 results in accessing the keyboard * memory map. The behavior in these addresses is described in the * Screen and Keyboard chip specifications given in the book. */ CHIP Memory { IN in[16], load, address[15]; OUT out[16]; PARTS: // Note: I just realized that pin names can be mixed-case, so I've changed // my pin naming convention (I'd _still_ prefer to use underscores if they // were allowed...) // chooses whether value of load goes to RAM16 or memory-mapped screen DMux(in=load, sel=address[14], a=loadToRAM, b=loadToScreen); RAM16K(in=in, address=address[0..13], load=loadToRAM, out=ramOut); Screen(in=in, address=address[0..12], load=loadToScreen, out=screenOut); Keyboard(out=keyboardOut); // choose between screen and keyboard (selection determined by whether both // address[13] and address[14] are set // (An aside: this approach has the added benefit that accessing "invalid // addresses", which are above 0x6000, simply results in accessing the // keyboard. I feel clever) And(a=address[13], b=address[14], out=screenOrKeyboard); Mux16(a=screenOut, b=keyboardOut, sel=screenOrKeyboard, out=peripheralOut); // choose between RAM and screen/keyboard (determined by address[14]); Mux16(a=ramOut, b=peripheralOut, sel=address[14], out=out); } |