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#!/bin/sh # simple script to symlink many of my extra dotfiles # TODO: actually test, maybe improve # by x1phosura dotfiles_root="$HOME"/73h4x/dotfiles/dotfiles-extra # where dotfiles live #dotfiles_root="$PWD" # alternative (for testing) dest="$HOME" # usually $HOME #display_server=x11 #display_server=wayland # if below fails, can use: # $ loginctl show-session $(loginctl | grep $(whoami) | awk '{print $1}') -p Type # or similar display_server="$XDG_SESSION_TYPE" die() { echo "$@"; exit 1 } [ ! -d "$dotfiles_root" ] && \ die "ERROR: $dotfiles_root doesn't exist. Aborting..." # TODO: change '[[' to '[', test... #[[ "$(realpath $dotfiles_root)" = "$(realpath $dest)" ]] && \ # die " ERROR: dotfiles_root and dest are the same directory! Aborting..." dotfiles_extra_list=".config/nano \ .config/radare2 \ .config/ranger \ .config/systemd" dotfiles_extra_x11_list=".config/alacritty \ .config/compton \ .config/i3 \ .config/i3status \ .config/picom \ .config/polybar \ .config/redshift \ .config/rofi \ .xinitrc \ .Xresources \ .Xresources-manjaro" dotfiles_extra_wayland_list=".config/kitty \ .config/sway \ .config/waybar \ .config/wlsunset" # Note: directly symlink items to .config instead of symlinking .config itself # because I don't want to preserve everything that programs create there mkdir -p "$dest"/.config for file in $dotfiles_extra_list; do # TODO: only link after checking file's existence in config_dir_list ln -svfn "$dotfiles_root/$file" "$dest"/"$file" done if [ "$display_server" = "x11" ]; then for file in $dotfiles_extra_x11_list; do # TODO: only link after checking file's existence in config_dir_list ln -svfn "$dotfiles_root/$file" "$dest"/"$file" done elif [ "$display_server" = "wayland" ]; then for file in $dotfiles_extra_wayland_list; do # TODO: only link after checking file's existence in config_dir_list ln -svfn "$dotfiles_root/$file" "$dest"/"$file" done else echo "error: cannot tell if X11 or Wayland session. Aborting..." fi # link personal /bin directory (ex. contains scripts and such...) # TODO: iterate over files in 'bin/', symlink in existing ~/bin dir ln -svfn "$dotfiles_root"/bin "$dest"/bin # link /etc dotfiles (some of these HAVE to be in /etc) #sudo ln -svf "$dotfiles_root"/etc/default/tlp /etc/default/tlp # tlp dir |