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set $mode_resize "<span foreground='$color10'></span> \ <span foreground='$color5'><b>Resize</b></span> <span foreground='$color10'>(<b>↑ ↓ ← →</b>)</span> \ <span foreground='$color5'><b>Increase Gaps</b></span> <span foreground='$color10'>(<b>+</b>)</span> \ <span foreground='$color5'><b>Decrease Gaps</b></span> <span foreground='$color10'>(<b>-</b>)</span>" mode --pango_markup $mode_resize { # left will shrink the containers width # right will grow the containers width # up will shrink the containers height # down will grow the containers height $bindsym $left resize shrink width 8px $bindsym $down resize grow height 8px $bindsym $up resize shrink height 8px $bindsym $right resize grow width 8px $bindsym j resize shrink width 8px $bindsym k resize grow height 8px $bindsym l resize shrink height 8px $bindsym semicolon resize grow width 8px $bindsym Shift+$left resize shrink width 16px $bindsym Shift+$down resize grow height 16px $bindsym Shift+$up resize shrink height 16px $bindsym Shift+$right resize grow width 16px $bindsym Shift+j resize shrink width 8px $bindsym Shift+k resize grow height 8px $bindsym Shift+l resize shrink height 8px $bindsym colon resize grow width 8px ## Resize // Window Gaps // + - ## $bindsym minus gaps inner current minus 4px $bindsym plus gaps inner current plus 4px $bindsym underscore gaps outer current minus 4px $bindsym equal gaps outer current plus 4px # Return to default mode $bindsym Return mode "default" $bindsym Escape mode "default" } ## Launch // Resize Mode ## $bindsym $mod+r mode $mode_resize gaps inner 8px gaps outer 8px |